Tuesday, December 27, 2011

2012 30-Days to Feeling Fit Challenge ***Starting in January of course!***

Please email or FB message me to get your own 30-Day Fit Kit so you can do this with me!!!!  I will start updating my blog next week!!!  :)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

6 Miles!!!

Hi.  My blogging was termporarily interrupted due to a computer virus!!!  What a bummer!  It's still not fixed so I am using Jadyn's little notebook.  It works!  Woo Hoo!

So the last few days have been extremely busy.  We ran 3 miles on Thursday night at the gym and then we had our first Team in Training team run on Saturday at Lake Calhoun.  Scott and I each did 2 laps around the lake!!!  3.2 miles around so a total of 6.4!!!  It was a balmy 22 degrees when we set off at 8am.  It was actually beautiful for running and with a couple layers of clothing, we warmed up quickly.  We both had a protein shake on the way so we were energized and ready to go!  Since we were able to do 6 miles on the very first team run  (I've always just done 3....and struggled on the first run of the season), we have now committed to doing the full marathon in June!!!  This is my 4th TNT event in a row, but this will be my first full marathon.  I'm so excited! 

The healthy kick is still going strong.  I haven't lost any additional weight at this time but I think it's due to building muscle from all the running we've been doing.  Regardless of the weight, I am feeling better than I've ever felt and have a lot more energy throughout my day.  I am sleeping better at night, have had ZERO headaches and seem to recover more quickly from workouts.  I am attributing all this to the protein and fiber shakes that we've been drinking.  I've been having 1 - 2 per day and occasionally I blend them up as smoothies with a banana and frozen berries.  Wow, is that yummy!!!  And the chocolate protein powder with a banana and a scoop of peanut butter.  Love that one too!

Well, gotta go help Jadyn with homework.  Have a good night!!


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Protein Shakes and "Muffin Tops"!!

I love these protein shakes!  Not only are they delicious but they are healthy and give me so much energy.  This morning I had a chocolate protein shake with a scoop of fiber.  I shook it up in my perfect little shake cup and drank it on my way to work.  I had a light lunch of grilled chicken breast strips on top of a small salad with fat-free dressing.  No croutons and no cheese.  Sounds boring, right?  Well it was...but I'm getting used to eating lighter lunches and it's getting easier to make healthy choices.  I don't think I'll ever go back to eating french fries with mayonnaise and ketchup...along with a sandwich or whatever else I used to get.  :)  When I got home, I shook up a vanilla protein shake, again with a scoop of fiber.  That's all I needed today for food and I was not hungry once.  AND better yet, I had lots of energy and felt good all day.

Now for the good dirt that I'm sure you're all waiting for!  This morning, I put on some pants that I've been unable to wear in  LONG time because of "muffin-tops" on my hips.  Yes, I had muffin tops! (Do you??)   GROSS!!!   Well, guess what?  No more muffin tops!  The "back-fat" is going away!  Woo Hoo!  I even wore a sweater that didn't cover my butt, like I ALWAYS do.  Wow, did it feel good to wear those pants!  And yes, I got a couple of compliments today.  :)   Wow!  Thanks Arbonne!!!

Scott and I just got back from the gym.  We each officially began our marathon training today.  :)  We both ran 3 miles on the treadmill, side by side.  Well, he actually ran them faster than me but he's 5' 10" and I'm 5' 1" so he should run faster!  Anyway, the miles are adding up and it's getting easier to run them.   AND throw in the fact that I'm able to wear smaller pants without huge, baggy sweaters and I am even that much more motivated to keep running!

I put in an order for 6 more 7-Day Body Cleanses today.  Scott and I are doing it again in March, (because of the amazing results and how good we felt and still feel), my friend Megan wants 2 for her and a friend, so that leaves 2 more!  Who wants them???  Send me a text or a message!  $49...and you are on your way to feeling good and getting rid of toxins so you can start your own weight-loss or fitness program.  You've got to try this for yourself!!!  Also, protein powder, fiber powder or fizz tabs....I can hook you up!  Let me know if you want some samples!

Okay...that's it for tonight.  I'll let you know tomorrow if I've lost any more weight!  I'm hoping!!!


text me at 612-803-1341
email me at krista_d_johnson@yahoo.com

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Cheated BIG TIME yesterday... :(

Yep.  I admit it!  I totally cheated yesterday!  UGH!!!  If only I would have gotten out of bed earlier, I would have had time to make a protein shake.  Instead, we had to hurry out the door to make it to the Team in Training Kickoff Party  (Which was super fun!).  At the event there were all kinds of muffins and pastries, but NO WAY, I wasn't touching that stuff!  However, by the end of the event, I was starving!  So we all headed over to Chevy's for some "healthy" tacos.  Ummm, yeah.  I didn't end up with those "healthy" tacos.  I think I ate a whole basket of chips with salsa while I waited for my food to arrive.  Fajita's.  YUM!  Okay, so that was the first "cheating episode" I have had so far.  I forgave myself and then jumped right back on board today!

This morning, Scott and I each had a Vanilla Protein Shake with a scoop of fiber powder.  After that, we both took off for a run outside.  We ran 5 1/2 miles on the trails by our house and it felt so darn good...and I'm still feeling good now, 6 hours later, just because we got out there and did it!  This was the longest run for me since last summer and I feel GREAT and plan on running at the gym again tomorrow.  Now that Team in Training is starting again, we'll be running lots of miles over the next 4 months.  I'm so excited to run with all my girls and kick some cancer butt along the way!!  We are going to have a really fun season and Scott and I are thinking of running a  FULL marathon this year.  YIKES!!

In a little bit, we'll be heading over to our friends house with our kids to watch the Super Bowl.  We are hoping for the Steelers to win since we all hate the Packers!  Well, maybe "hate" is a strong word...um, no it's not.  We hate 'em!  GO STEELERS!!!  Just a little bit ago, we made some "healthy" whole-grain wrap sandwiches to bring with us.  They are super yummy and even the kids like them!  We will be drinking wine, not beer tonight.  Red wine's good for you, right?  Well, I think so!!!  Wine it is!

Have a fun night everybody!  Can't wait to hear Christina sing the National Anthem and to see the Black Eyed Peas perform during the half-time show.  (((I'm not counting on any more pounds coming off by tomorrow morning, but maybe by Tuesday???)))


Friday, February 4, 2011

Hi!  Hope you are all doing great!!! 

CRAZY!!!  Scott started this journey at 210 lbs and he's already down 15 lbs!!!  195, Woo Hoo!!!!!  (I've got a new boyfriend!!!))  15 pounds in two weeks of drinking Arbonne's protein shakes, exercising, eating  healthy and being on the  Arbonne 7-Day Body Cleanse (detox).  He's amazed at what these products have helped him accomplish so quickly.  Trust me, he was NOT a believer until he tried them.   I've encouraged him to speak at my Arbonne Essentials parties next week,  Saturday at 7pm and Sunday at 1pm...our house.  Come and hear him talk about his experience!   He's been using the Protein shakes, Fizz Tabs and the 7-Day Body Cleanse.   That's it!  Simple as that!  Anybody can do this! 

As for me, I'm stilll at 133 but I'm already starting to fit into clothes (mainly pants) that I haven't worn in a LONG time!  I ran another 3 miles at the gym last night...and will do it again tomorrow.  I'm so psyched to see how much I will lose in the next couple of weeks!!!  My goal is 125.  I'm going to hit it!

Still no bread and I don't even miss it!

Text me if you want to try the 7-Day Detox or the 30-Fit Kit!!!  612-803-1341


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

133!!!!!! 2 More pounds!!!

That's it!  Nothing else!  Same scale dance this morning...got on, got off, got on, got off, shook it up a little, turned it around to get better light, got on, got off, got on again..and yup!  2 pounds were missing!  133!!!  Woo Hoo!  Still going strong!  LOVE this Arbonne 30 Day Fit Kit!!! 

Krista  :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

3 more miles to fit!

Still 135 but not for long!  I ran 3 miles at the gym tonight and felt so good!!!  I could have kept going but Scott and Kalen were done with their workouts and we had to get home to Jadyn.  I'm definitely feeling better and have more energy.  I'm so happy I decided to do this 30 day challenge and can't wait to report when the next pound comes off!

I have discovered that fresh snap peas and frozen green beans (thawed out), are great little snacks to bring to work.  I've been bringing a ziplock baggie to work each day with a handful of each. I love how crispy and sweet they are.

Not much else to tell tonight.  I'm enjoying having my hubby do this right along with me!  It makes it so much easier when we are both watching what we eat and encouraging eachother to go to the gym.

Have a great night!
