I love these protein shakes! Not only are they delicious but they are healthy and give me so much energy. This morning I had a chocolate protein shake with a scoop of fiber. I shook it up in my perfect little shake cup and drank it on my way to work. I had a light lunch of grilled chicken breast strips on top of a small salad with fat-free dressing. No croutons and no cheese. Sounds boring, right? Well it was...but I'm getting used to eating lighter lunches and it's getting easier to make healthy choices. I don't think I'll ever go back to eating french fries with mayonnaise and ketchup...along with a sandwich or whatever else I used to get. :) When I got home, I shook up a vanilla protein shake, again with a scoop of fiber. That's all I needed today for food and I was not hungry once. AND better yet, I had lots of energy and felt good all day.
Now for the good dirt that I'm sure you're all waiting for! This morning, I put on some pants that I've been unable to wear in LONG time because of "muffin-tops" on my hips. Yes, I had muffin tops! (Do you??) GROSS!!! Well, guess what? No more muffin tops! The "back-fat" is going away! Woo Hoo! I even wore a sweater that didn't cover my butt, like I ALWAYS do. Wow, did it feel good to wear those pants! And yes, I got a couple of compliments today. :) Wow! Thanks Arbonne!!!
Scott and I just got back from the gym. We each officially began our marathon training today. :) We both ran 3 miles on the treadmill, side by side. Well, he actually ran them faster than me but he's 5' 10" and I'm 5' 1" so he should run faster! Anyway, the miles are adding up and it's getting easier to run them. AND throw in the fact that I'm able to wear smaller pants without huge, baggy sweaters and I am even that much more motivated to keep running!
I put in an order for 6 more 7-Day Body Cleanses today. Scott and I are doing it again in March, (because of the amazing results and how good we felt and still feel), my friend Megan wants 2 for her and a friend, so that leaves 2 more! Who wants them??? Send me a text or a message! $49...and you are on your way to feeling good and getting rid of toxins so you can start your own weight-loss or fitness program. You've got to try this for yourself!!! Also, protein powder, fiber powder or fizz tabs....I can hook you up! Let me know if you want some samples!
Okay...that's it for tonight. I'll let you know tomorrow if I've lost any more weight! I'm hoping!!!
text me at 612-803-1341
email me at krista_d_johnson@yahoo.com