Yep. I admit it! I totally cheated yesterday! UGH!!! If only I would have gotten out of bed earlier, I would have had time to make a protein shake. Instead, we had to hurry out the door to make it to the Team in Training Kickoff Party (Which was super fun!). At the event there were all kinds of muffins and pastries, but NO WAY, I wasn't touching that stuff! However, by the end of the event, I was starving! So we all headed over to Chevy's for some "healthy" tacos. Ummm, yeah. I didn't end up with those "healthy" tacos. I think I ate a whole basket of chips with salsa while I waited for my food to arrive. Fajita's. YUM! Okay, so that was the first "cheating episode" I have had so far. I forgave myself and then jumped right back on board today!
This morning, Scott and I each had a Vanilla Protein Shake with a scoop of fiber powder. After that, we both took off for a run outside. We ran 5 1/2 miles on the trails by our house and it felt so darn good...and I'm still feeling good now, 6 hours later, just because we got out there and did it! This was the longest run for me since last summer and I feel GREAT and plan on running at the gym again tomorrow. Now that Team in Training is starting again, we'll be running lots of miles over the next 4 months. I'm so excited to run with all my girls and kick some cancer butt along the way!! We are going to have a really fun season and Scott and I are thinking of running a FULL marathon this year. YIKES!!
In a little bit, we'll be heading over to our friends house with our kids to watch the Super Bowl. We are hoping for the Steelers to win since we all hate the Packers! Well, maybe "hate" is a strong, no it's not. We hate 'em! GO STEELERS!!! Just a little bit ago, we made some "healthy" whole-grain wrap sandwiches to bring with us. They are super yummy and even the kids like them! We will be drinking wine, not beer tonight. Red wine's good for you, right? Well, I think so!!! Wine it is!
Have a fun night everybody! Can't wait to hear Christina sing the National Anthem and to see the Black Eyed Peas perform during the half-time show. (((I'm not counting on any more pounds coming off by tomorrow morning, but maybe by Tuesday???)))