Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Special Delivery! Check out the photos below!

When I woke up this morning I was 3 pounds lighter than I was on Sunday. Seriously! Woo Hoo! Guess this detox is working!!! I better hurry up and take some measurements before I lose anymore! Should have those posted tomorrow. :)

Today was Day 3 of my 7-Day Body Cleanse. I added a whole citrus fizz tab and a 1/2 of the pomegranate and I LIKED the taste!!! I had no problem drinking it and am actually looking forward to the 32 ounces tomorrow. :) The Fizz Tabs are great energy boosters, mood lifters and appetite supressesants. It's a win win if you ask me! I LOVE these and use them everyday. It's how I kicked my Diet Coke addiction without the headaches. (Any other D.C. addicts out there???)
Today's Exercise:
  • I walked up 9 flights of stairs today with a co-worker. It kicked my ass! UGH! I'm going to start doing this daily...and because I blogged it here, now I'll really have to! :)
  • Our family went to the gym together tonight. (I love doing this with our 14yo son and 11yo daughter!) My plan was to run 4 miles again but I only made it 1.25 miles and had to stop because my legs were cramping up. (What a wuss!) I hopped on a stationary bike and rode 8 miles on the "Fat Burning" mode for my age and weight. (While I watched Scott continue his 4 mile run) It was super easy and pretty relaxing so I'm not really counting it as exercise. HOWEVER, it was better than sitting on my couch!
What did I eat?
Breakfast: I've been starting off every morning with a bowl of oatmeal (steel-cut) with raisins, brown sugar (can't eat oatmeal without it!), and a heaping spoonful of Arbonne Fiber Boost fiber powder. This one scoop gives you 1/2 the daily recommended fiber and it helps to keep you full longer. It's odorless and tasteless and can be added in to any foods or liquids. I love this stuff!
Lunch: A small helping of steamed vegetables (today was green beans), a litle bit of brown rice, and an Arbonne Vanilla Protein Shake, which is filled with 20 grams of protein and super yummy!
Dinner: Totally went bad! I had a Jimmy John's Vito Sub. (Itallian) OOPS! Nobody's perfect!!!
Tomorrow the real diet starts! I'm cutting out bread for the next 30 days. YIKES!!! Did I just say that? OMG! I wonder if I'll die?
Wish me luck!
Krista :)

PS.  Have I mentioned that Arbonne's nutritional products are Vegan? Well, they are!  They are Gluten Free, Whey Free, Soy Free and contain NO artificial colors, flavors or sweeteners.