Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 5 of my 7-Day Body Cleanse

The scale still said 137 this morning.  Stupid Scale!  My driver's license says 120.  LOL!  I'm going to believe my driver's license! 

The Detox is going great.  I'm noticing some really strange things that I have to share here.  Taste and smell.  I swear that I can taste and smell things better!  I just started noticing this today with food..and then unfortunately with a stinky guy who got on the treadmill next to me at the gym. (I ran 3 miles!!)  He reeked and I had to switch treadmills!   Weird, right???  But seriously, my senses must not have been working too good before and this detox has really made me notice.  I'm still a little surprised at this and plan on asking around to see if anybody else has noticed this.  FYI:  It's not just the "stinky" smells that I can smell better!!! 

After the trip to the gym, I came home and made a protein shake using the Arbonne Vanilla Protein Powder, a scoop of fiber powder, 1 cup of fresh raspberries, blueberries and strawberries, water and ice.  It was so yummy!  That was my supper for the night and I am not even hungry!!  YES, I ate lunch.  I chose the "healthy" meal at our cafe today.  Steamed carrots, brown rice and braised beef beef tips.  I have no idea how many calories it was, but it was filling and really good.  No, I didn't eat breakfast...I was too busy drinking my 32 oz of detox swill!

FYI:  I'm not really counting calories on this diet.  I have cut back on fattening foods and breads and am eating smaller portions..but I refuse to count calories.   That's too much work and I know I would be really bad at keeping track.

So if you're reading this blog...does that mean you "secretly" want to lose weight, exercise more or just feel better?  Whatever the reason...I love that you are on this journey with me. Typing this blog is forcing me to be focused and committed to staying on this kick!  THANKS!


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